Random Announcements
Nice! Care to spill the beans about cut?
just did a tiny repair on a belt loop. also watching Ghostbusters. makes me want to charge up a proton pack and head out to do some duties!
here is a bit of IH history and a chance for everyone to 'oooo' and 'ahhhhh' and see young love…of denimzzz.
dont really know anything about the bike…or the people. this is what happens when you do some reading on sufu and dig deep into the yester years of jawwwwnnnzzzzz
I just bought a "one-wash" pair of virtually new Flathead 3001 (original arcs and tabs) from a SuFu member – $180 -- just in my size, Tagged Waist 29 ! These are the famous SidneyLo Flathead model -- which made Sidney a bonafide celebrity ! Now they've been superseded by the Flathead 1001 (slightly heavier, 16 oz to 3001's 14.5 oz, also button fly to 3001's zipper fly). If I were patient, I'm sure a pair of FH 1001 in a Tagged Waist 29 would have shown up, but I wasn't so I caved.
I've been wanting to try these jeans -- Flat Head, Sugar Cane, Samurai -- but not at $300++. And it's funny...this morning, foldingsocks (SuFu guy who I bought the indigo IH Cyclists from just recently) emailed me personally last night, offering me a brand new pair of SEXSC06 (one soak only) -- for $210 -- before posting them for public consumption on SuFu. I actually turned foldingsocks down, thanking him for the offer...because I already have the Sugar Cane Okinawa which look great on me, despite that they're not skinny/slim.
Sorry, Kiya...but it doesn't seem like I have to buy shit at full retail from you anymore. Virtually every collab you've done shows up at sometime or another on SuFu by some skinny little boys who bit off more than they could chew (spending wise) or suddenly had a change of heart !
I don't see as much Iron Heart in my size on SuFu but occasionally I do see those. IH's for sale appearance on SuFu is much less frequent though -- probably because people who buy those love them and are very happy with their purchase.
In my mind though, lower weight denim at $200++ prices just ain't worth it. $200 and under is fine though...
Incidentally, the Samurai Texas cotton and Sugar Cane Oki jeans I bought definitely feel thinner than my IH. You can't compare them to 21oz. But I'll tell you this...somehow, they feel much heavier than 14.5-15oz. I can't explain it...I don't know enough about the science to comment. But I'm guessing that you need to be careful -- don't just focus on the denim weight number. There's other stuff which matters in making a denim feel heavy and stiff.
In the SuFu Samurai thread, I often see negative comments about the Samurai 19-oz Black Knights (sorry Seul). People say they feel weak and flimsy, and fall apart easily. Yet, I see nothing but accolades for the lower-weight 15-oz Texas Cottons...saying that they feel heavy and rigid as fuck. That's why I didn't hesitate to buy the Samurai 15-oz Texas Cotton. Like I said...there's more magic than just the denim weight. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me can explain this...
Excited about ALL the new stuff I just saw. I have been away from the computer the past two days at a wedding. Oh yeah, and I decided to stay in NY until Tuesday!!!!
My indigo 710xx'es felt better than the Black Knights, but people slagging it off are completely insane… I've been wearing them a lot lately, and they're absolutely hard as FUCK... I know what you mean about the ruggedness of the 15 oz SO500X'es but they'll soften up a lot... Don't forget:
Stoked you got some Flat Heads though, baby Shubz. They're such good fucking jeans. Best fit on a jeans ever if you buy the right size.
Excellent pick up shubbz!!!! YES! love the fact that you are trying all of these amazing brands out as well. you'll enjoy the 3001!
but while reading through this thread several times (past and now) i just dont see how you guys can compare IH to EVERY other denim brand out there. To me, you cannot hold one of each jean from for examples sake self edge and expect them to all be comparable; each company strives to get different results. Maybe i feel perturbed when i hear IH being totally better or maybe its because i feel that you cant take a hockey player and a speed skater and expect them to play the same game. Cut, denim, fit, drape, fading properties, pocket placement, color, twill… all of these are WAYYYY more considered by at least 90% of many of the hardcores at sufu and weight is barely recognized (if i hand you some fullcounts and some 21oz naked and famous will you go the 21oz???)
Well, what i am trying to say is that you cant go blow for blow with each brand comparing them like coke and pepsi; there is a shit load of sprite on the market as well. I mean, i would hope i am not the ONLY one who feels this way.