Coronavirus (Covid-19) Discussion
At a very large veterinary hospital I worked at, the surgical team was called in after hours for an emergency. When the team arrived, the cleaning crew had not finished cleaning the suite for the day. As the cleaning crew was exiting and the surgery team was entering they passed each other and the head surgeon noticed that one of the cleaning crew had torn a hole in their facemask (which was mandatory for anyone in the suite at all times). When confronted about the condition of the mask, the employee stated that it was difficult to breathe with the mask on, and the hole made it a lot easier.
There were numerous meetings and employee counseling/training sessions because of that incident and how/when/why masks needed to be worn.
The sum of this story is to make sure you wear a mask properly. Over the nose and mouth and please don’t cut holes in them so that you can breathe easier!
Thing is, Public Health England collect data re populations up and down the UK, based on various demographics. They don't share them openly with the news media, but if you work in certain fields, they are shared openly. I work in one such field. There is a huge socioeconomic, health, and racial/cultural divide between broadly the southern counties and those of the Midlands and Northern counties (broadly speaking) and these have contributed hugely to the spread of covid in certain areas.
They wouldn't make Government any more popular if the hit the headlines, and the media would be accused of being socioeconomically and racially biased.
The numbers are still rediculously small though, and most hospitals (certainly in the EoE region) aren't anywhere near capacity, despite what is being reported. I have to touch base with the safeguarding lead of our hodpital trust once or twice a week. They aren't panicking yet.
Hey everybody, sorry for my absence. I've been very sick. I got home from a job in West Virginia the week before Thanksgiving and a few days after started having an itchy throat and stuffed up nose. Long story short I tested positive for SARS-cov-2 on Saturday and am going to be in isolation until the 9th just to make sure I am not still contagious.
I don't think I am going to die or anything. No fever or respiratory issues, thank God. But I feel very weak and tired, and my sense of smell and taste is finally starting to return. Pseudoephedrine helps with the nasal congestion. I am hopeful I didn't give the virus to my Mom or my cats… since it has been 8 days and they still aren't having symptoms. I hope everyone is doing well.
hoping for a speedy recovery @Filthy
Thanks guys 🥰
I tried to get tested much sooner. But tests were virtually impossible to find pre-Thanksgiving.
Thanks G.
Glad to hear that you are getting better !
Welcome back
Thanks gents
Get well soon Mike!