Seems this week we have had a relapse
Ouch man, we lost a glue stick and a biro, your dog wins this weeks chew off battle :o
Beautiful Jeff (not you).
Yeah quality dog that.
She is a great companion, she will be 9 in January. She still looks like a puppy.
Nice JCM, my dig likes to chew my hand too….amongst other household items.
Some of the little bugger
My wife and I have started selling dog cookies for the holidays, and all of the money collected is going to a local dog rescue group.
Don't forget that there are lots of animals spending their holidays in cages (Jody and I feel guilty that we didn't rescue our dogs, but we have our reasons), so if you have a couple bucks to spare, I'm sure the fuzzy butts would appreciate it
I'd offer the cookies here for sale, but $5 in shipping for a $3 box of cookies seems retarded
We took Leo to the pet superstore to get some treats after his latest vaccination, this was how he thanked us. Classy Leo, real classy.
Next time buy better treats, you cheap prick, or you get double that.
My lazy little tortie Halloweeny (was very orange n black as a kitten) loves that wabash.
Looks a lot like our Soba noodle! She's a cute Ane!
What's people's thoughts on dog neutering? My boy is coming up to 11months so it can be done. The vet is all keen but I am sure she it isn't cheap.
He isn't showing any aggression, he does plenty of sniffing and pissing on walks which can make it job walking him in the lead. But I dunno I guess there is part of me that thinks, that is how he is, he is meant to have nuts so who I am to cut them off. -
I feel like it's the responsible thing to do, unless you're intending to breed him. All my pets have been spayed or neutered.