IH-888S-21 - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut Jeans - Indigo
Gentlemen, I’m seeking advice on a new purchase regarding sizing and fit. I’ve been wearing the 666 21oz in size 32, but I’ve found it quite restrictive for movement, especially during daily activities. I’m thinking about switching to the 888 in the same size 32, though I’m unsure if it will address my comfort and mobility needs. I’d really appreciate your insights or recommendations!
@npthaiduong fit is very subjective and that's a big jump from 666 to 888 for top block comfort. The 888 will definitely be roomier and more mobile in the top block.
@npthaiduong You are definitely going to be m ore comfortable up top in the 888 cut along with the thigh for sure. As @bluemantra mentioned, it is quite a big jump especially the difference in the rise also. Have you considered the 634 as a bit of a bridge gapper between the 666 and 888?
@Graham thank you for the advice. I haven't looked at the 634 yet because I am still new to the whole IH denim, but I am looking at it now! Do you recommend the same sizing if I go with the 634?
@npthaiduong. The 634 will be considerably roomier than the 666 at the same tag size. Same rise but wider hip and thigh and knee measurements. So if you are happy with the waist size in your current 666's then go same tag size in the 634.
@yannis Thank you. As for the 888, should I go for the same size as well? I am happy with the 32" waist but yearn for more room in the top block.
@npthaiduong tag size is not a good thing to go on and you really need to watch this video: https://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/topic/1410/bottoms-how-to-measure
find your favourite pair of jeans/pants and measure them as in the video. Write those measurements down and then compare them to the pants that you’re interested in. Each pant will have a measurement chart to use and compare to the measurements of your favourite jeans/pants.
Once you have it narrowed down to one or two cuts and/or sizes, please email the IHUK crew at: shop@ironheart.co.uk for further assistance and sizing advice.
Going off of tag size will lead you to buying a pair of pants that may or may not work for you.
The guys will be able to guide you to the best size in fit and denim which is another variable that you will need to take into consideration. Each denim behaves differently and your sizing may vary upon the denim selected.
Don’t rush into a purchase and take the time to work with the IHUK crew. They are experts at what they do and in the end, will save you time and money, and almost ensure a happy buying experience.
I did the same 10 years ago, and shop very few places since.
@npthaiduong. I am assuming you are looking at the 21oz..If yes I will take the same size in the 888's also, understanding that they have a higher front and back rise, so they will seat higher up closer to your natural waist. They also taper so although the thigh measurement on the 888 and 643 are very similar the 634 is wider at the knee and because of that generally less restrictive. Both great cuts with the 634 being a straight and the 888 a smart taper.
@npthaiduong I don't think I can add much to what Goose and Yannis have outlined above. Thank you gentleman.
I would for sure take a look at a few fit shots of the 888 and 634 as one may sing to you more in terms of silhouette with both being roomier than the 666.