Recent Purchases
No worries MP, great pick up
I used Rakuten for the wallet. I was toying with the idea of a Red Moon Real Copy (RRC) at first, then I saw the leather octopus :).
You know you spend too much money when the UPS bloke says: " Alright Dave, only one today. See you again".
I also wondered who the fast guy was. Good kop EmceeQ.
If that 06 was only a XL we would have dueled western style for it
you have an impressive roll call going for you ^^^^^.
great stuff & just think if you can't find a green 06 the new green is dropping in a few months
great stuff & just think if you can't find a green 06 the new green is dropping in a few months
This is a solace for me. I saw that picture recently, and I knew I would be purchasing it!