Boot/ Shoe Care (Products, Methods, and Suggestions)
Boot Care. It is about time we had a thread for this aspect of our lives. Please speak on the products you love, the experiences you have had with them or others, and ask any questions you may have for others. Post images of pre and post treatment, videos of your suede brushing technique, etc…
I know that there is as similar thread for belts and some of that information pertains to this thread. I am also aware that a few other threads have conversations regarding care and products. I will do my best to either quote or merge those conversations depending on their importance in each thread. Cheers -
Standard, supermarket brand (Kiwi), neutral colour wax polish on all my shoes and boots. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mashed up and pressed anal glands from minks, courtesy of the fur trade, I believe
Sweet, I have a box full of mashed up mink anal glands in my closet above all of my IH!
Montana Pitch Blend
"This Is The Way We Wash Our Suede" another great video from my neighborhood Shoe Store.
Leffot Youtube channel:
I got my first tub of Obernauf's Heavy Duty LP in the post yesterday and applied it to my Red Wing work oxfords by hand. Is there a general rule of thumb for how much I should apply per coat? I notice that the oil version used above looks like a much greater amount of coverage. I did, however, try to slap on the LP and give my shoes a good coating!
I don't think there is a general rule, I agree in the pics it does look like quite a lot was applied but I don't think I over did it as after one day it had all soaked in with virtually nothing to be wiped off. To do those four pairs I used about half the bottle of oil so around 1/16 a bottle per boot.
Hey D97X7,
Is the leather on one of those iron rangers "rough out"? If so, from what I can tell, it darkens the leather substantially by using the LP. Do you have any problems with that? How long ago did you treat those boots?
Yes they are roughout and yes they did darken although not quite as much as it appears in the pic now they have dried out fully, no I don't mind it at all.
I did only intend to try it behind the eyelets at first to see what would happen, but I got more than I expected in the eye holes which dribbled down the outside so I felt I had no choice but to do the whole boot.
I did this last week btw. -
^nice video … maybe this is just a romantic notion, but I wish I had a job doing something like that ...
I came across this a while ago.
Feels crazy to see all this stuff just about shoe laces and lacing technics, but I must confess that since I applied Ian's advices, my laces hold much better and they do not slip anymore.
Now for the adventurous ones, you also have artistic ways of lacing