IH-888SBR-14 - 14oz Broken Twill Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise Tapered Cut
@drewfonse great denim and good fit!
Ok at the risk of repeating myself, get em while Self Edge still has stock. Sounds like they’re not coming back. I wore all of my IH recently, wearing these today. They are the most comfortable and a brilliant blue. Distinct from the 142s, some nice roping developing. I bought a back up pair. Awesome denim.
@drewfonse I’m 100% with you. I love this denim so much I got it in 2 different cuts. Yours are looking fantastic!
Thanks! Yeah, they’re fantastic.
Wore these for the Indigo Invitational that is just finishing up. I think they turned out pretty good. Hope they do another run at some point.
@jebrand These look awesome
@Fades-for-future Thanks!
Wow, beautiful. I’ll wear mine today haha
@AdamJ Thank! I'm pretty happy with the way they turned out.