@Mizmazzle Highest praise! You've done well, sir. I aspire to be like you someday in that regard!
I happened to be driving the other day and realized I was behind one of my professors. I used voice to text to say "hey, I'm behind you. Wave!" The passenger who I assumed was his wife, turned around and waved. I then got a text saying "My daughter says your car is fire." That made my day!
@Anesthetist would probably benefit from hearing that story as well. #GTIgang
@Mizmazzle thanks man! been wearing it close to every day since the beginning of October. I'm stoked with how it's been turning out so far. Your 526L is a beaut too!
@freepickin holy smokes! That's some fast fade action! I've got a new unworn one living the closet life until it gets the call up to the majors! Not sure when that's going to be though with the all star team i've got sluggin homers at the moment (baseball analogy concluded)
@Mizmazzle I'll allow it. Also, I'm stoked that I'm getting an office!
@Sir_Cuffs-a-Lot Good spot for the new badge.
@Mister_Brue yeah dude! Was meant to be there
@Mizmazzle Lefty looks great with the XHSib
@Mizmazzle I'm working landscaping and doing snow removal now so I've been pretty hard on it and it gets plenty wet which I think has helped. it fades quick, you'll love it! but yeah, I've got a couple CPOs I want to start wearing but the the "too much denim, not enough time" problem is REAL I'm learning!
@Mizmazzle They look great. Mine are also regular XHS, so I'm glad I have this to look forward to. My 634 XHS were coming along really nicely, and then my cycling caught up with me, and my thighs got too big for them, and I started over with 888 XHS
Trusty IH Beanie
IH Hoodie, Thermal & T
IH Vest
IH 555 19L
Hoka -
Freenote Cloth RJ-2. Brand new, first day. Bit bulky and very stiff at the moment, but very warm. And looks pretty good I think. I was initially worried that I should have got a size smaller, but it would probaby be too tight in the chest. This feels just right in the chest, just a bit roomy in the midsection.
IH-888s-142. My first selvedge jeans. Got them in July and been wearing them pretty much every day since (except for very hot days in the summer). Delaying that first wash for as long as I can.
I have a hard time grabbing this one over the indigo, but it’s growing on me…
@northsouthdenimguy what is it?