IHSH-368-IND - 14oz Double Cloth Western Shirt - Indigo
@Supersonic that’s wild how that material has wore already, almost looks like it wore through the outside layer! Looks good man
Thanks for the input both of you! Well appreciated
It seems like this shirt differs from conventional wisdom for fading. My combs aren’t showing contrast really, it’s getting a very cool all-over worn look though. I’ve been wearing a bit at work but haven’t brought it home to clean or take pics. I’m sure it’s going to fade like crazy but not how I was thinking. It’s definitely lightening up more in the high wear spots like cuffs and elbows. I love it!
@LeDuc_RW Yeah man, work in an office so imagine the constant movement with the mouse has caused abrasion. I've currently still held off on a wash, surprisingly it is yet to smell.
@Supersonic still holding out of a wash as well, with 4 solid days a week of wearing the 368.
It’s been over three months now. -
@alexpupin nice one mate, any pictures?
So it's not just me that loves this one.
@Supersonic I’m waiting for clear day and some sun to take a few shots
@alexpupin Good stuff man, you had a good few weeks on me. I'm not getting all that contrast elsewhere. Mainly cuffs and sleeves. Loving every minute though
This thing has not been fading nearly as much as I thought it would, but then again, it's my "office shirt", so activities are pretty mild. It is about due for its first wash though, so I'll bring it home and snap some pics. Anybody have different results? The shirt is great, and seeing how the cuffs and elbows are wearing, I'm surprised it doesn't have more going on, but it's cozy and stylish as-is.
@alexpupin @WhiskeySandwich Updates from you guys that have worn it more and given its first wash and pics? Would love to see it!
Finally brought it home and gave it a thorough handwash. Will post pics when dry
did it bleed a lot ? would think the water
went pretty blue
Yes, bled a ton. Here it’s pretty dry, lightened up quite a bit. Really love the texture it’s showing now. I was pretty aggressive with agitation in the handwash. Was on the warmer side too. Really looking forward to @alexpupin showing his off. I’m sure he’s got tons more wear than me. Here’s a little natural light and bathroom light, with a couple modes, no filters or anything.
@WhiskeySandwich looks great. No real shrinkage I’m assuming
@Misacampo77 thanks dude. Nope, I was kinda surprised, but no shrinkage. I think this is going to be a frequent washer for me, whenever I bother to bring it home from the office. I want it to get super light, like that one-pocket herringbone I keep seeing lately. I want to fade it to hell before it disintegrates lol. Judging by the elbows, it seems like this would be a good plan
looks great , the fading looks pretty similar to kersey fades which is great
@WhiskeySandwich Looking good man! I was expecting more contrast to appear. Having said that it's still my favourite shirt.
@Supersonic yeah doesn’t seem to be working out that way for me, that’s why I’m going all/over fades. The cuff is fraying and the elbows are thinning out a little so, works out.
@WhiskeySandwich I've not been wearing mine as much as of late. Still love it though. I work in an office so have a ton of wear on the corner of the cuff.
I'm sure it will continue to evolve anyway