Love Brazilian coffee. My local roaster hasn't had any recently. I'm currently drinking an Organic Italian Roast Sumatra,which I don't think most people would like,but I think it's one of the best the best coffees I've ever had. I make a hot pour over with my Hario,Iced Pour over with my Chemex and Cold Brew for my wife. All taste distinctly different,but delicious. I use a Baratza grinder and a Bonavita "Goose" neck kettle.
@Chap It was definitely an interesting experience. I pulled 4 single basket shots with each getting progressively better until the 4th shot. I adjusted the grind setting each time trying to dial in the perfect grind for the beans used. The first 2 were ground too coarse and tasted thin/under extracted. My 3rd shot was really good with the flavour and volume being excellent and where I should have stopped. I adjusted the machine for a 4th time to an even finer grind and the flavour tasted over extracted and slightly bitter with the volume decreased from the first 3.
My scale wasn’t delivered yesterday and I ended up guessing for volume of beans used. Did I use too much or too little and won’t know until today when the scale arrives.
I enjoy the experimentation side of this and understand there are multiple variables in play. Grind setting is the first variable I want to nail down and will get volume today (hopefully). Once I get the first two variables figured out, then I’ll start on pressures and temperatures. I made mental notes yesterday but I am going to start writing them down in a lab style notebook for future reference.
Maybe all of the time spent in University lab courses will pay off
From my other halves (better) , farm (finca) in Columbia. It can be ordered in USA and South America. It's good.
Level up
Looking forward to dial in the Ethiopian I treated myself with after we attended a barista course on Sunday at a local specialty coffee shop here in Munich. This bean was one of 5 „training beans“ and it was the one I loved the most. Fruity, but not too acidic and very well balanced!
Ok…here's one for you.
I just pulled the best tasting shot yet and am very happy with the results, but...
between the two cups the volume of liquid was not equal. Is that because: I didn't have an equal tamp and the water went the path of least resistance. The puck had no channeling and looked even, so I'm perplexed.
Is this just one of those things that happens?
Ok…here's one for you.
I just pulled the best tasting shot yet and am very happy with the results, but...
between the two cups the volume of liquid was not equal. Is that because: I didn't have an equal tamp and the water went the path of least resistance. The puck had no channeling and looked even, so I'm perplexed.
Is this just one of those things that happens?
Different pre-infusion time? Different pressure? The first and the second shot are always different with me as well… the second is better.
Ok…here's one for you.
I just pulled the best tasting shot yet and am very happy with the results, but...
between the two cups the volume of liquid was not equal. Is that because: I didn't have an equal tamp and the water went the path of least resistance. The puck had no channeling and looked even, so I'm perplexed.
Is this just one of those things that happens?
Totally normal. A few variables have changed between the shots. You can lessen the difference. Always run an empty shot through the basket in the morning. Warms up the whole system and the basket. Also moistens basket. Will make your first shot better and more similar to the second.
Anybody roasting here? I have been home roasting for 2 decades and nothing has improved quality as much. Rather use home roasted beans with a crappy machine than purchased beans (few exemptions of good roasters for 5x the cost) with a technivorm.
Thank you! They were good and Laura loves it…for once I'm not in trouble
My wife always gets the first shot… in her Latte Macchiato
Always run an empty shot through the basket in the morning. Warms up the whole system and the basket. Also moistens basket. Will make your first shot better and more similar to the second.
Of course
Anybody roasting here?
Nope, I already have a job…