My left knee is starting to turn out like that. Is yours like mine, from constantly getting down on one knee to talk to the kid(s) or help them out?
nah, that bit of wear happened from a slip & fall I took a while back while trying to race my son to the car . . . it was an ugly fall, but funny as hell.
jii great job on that cardholder. did you also inscribe initials as well? if so i'm even more impressed
gollotti you have got to try the coconut curry mocha & let me know what that is all about.
Great pics, D97x7. And lovely doggy.
I went to the North Sea today…
Lovely pix, MaxPower - where were you?
Thank you. I was at Sankt Peter Ording, 120 km north of Hamburg, where I live.
Thanks, MaxPower - looks absolutely beautiful there.