My post was more specific to the style side of things not the 'Unpopular Opinions' and the like threads. Posting in the WAYWT thread and having someone tell you you're fit is wrong creates a pretty toxic environment in my opinion.
Posting in the WAYWT thread and having someone tell you you're fit is wrong creates a pretty toxic environment in my opinion.
I completely support that. Well said.
I've only seen it happen a few times and each time one member or another was pretty quick to put the poster in their place. 99% of users are definitely respectful. The key is making sure the bad apples are dealt with quickly to avoid spoiling the bunch.
· Be polite, be honest
· Buy into the humour of the forum but build a relationship with posters before busting their balls too hard.
· Post often but read more, and just dive into the history of the place…..there’s some really funny stuff in there if you’re prepared to dig.
· This place is about as friendly as forums get on the interwebz, if you don’t find that to be the case then there is a good chance that the problem is you.
. Remember that this forum is an extension of the Iron Heart brand, a place created by the people who work very hard to make Iron Heart what it is today. Be respectful of that and don't say anything you wouldn't be 100% confident of saying face to face.
· Post often but read more blah blah blah
Looks like there needs to be a US Moderator to fill the time gap. Obviously they waited til there were no moderators…who does this?
This almost feels like a poem. I might change it a bit, though…
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Looks like there needs to be a US Moderator to fill the time gap. Obviously they waited til there were no moderators…who does this?
IDK. I am sure @neph93 or @Giles will clean this up in the am. I just hope they keep my poem…
The poem is a thing of beauty and shall forever remain. A dadaist commentary on the internet anno 2021.
The poem is a thing of beauty and shall forever remain. A dadaist commentary on the internet anno 2021.
@neph93, I just went over Flarft poetry (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flarf_poetry) with my lit class. I'll have to tell them about it since it fits in neatly with the genre.
New thread crated here: