Random Announcements
Spring is here! +3°C temperature here. At least today.
(finally I got rid of unionsuit, 3,5mo continuos wear, nice fades, I cold soak between. Naahh…just kiddin')
although to be fair IJ - I'm sure you had the unionsuit on in the sauna a few times - so it would be steam cleaned too
Spring is here! +3°C temperature here. At least today.
(finally I got rid of unionsuit, 3,5mo continuos wear, nice fades, I cold soak between. Naahh…just kiddin')
although to be fair IJ - I'm sure you had the unionsuit on in the sauna a few times - so it would be steam cleaned too
I forgot that
Must be going mad… Volunteered to go back into work after an hour break cause there's a ton of work to do and I wanna help my collegue...
Volunteered into going to work tomorrow to help out another collegue - starting at 07.00 am... Only for an hour or 2-3 but still...
Mad I tell you...
Mr. Robert Johnson is soooo good. Don't ask me why it took me so long to notice.