Iron Chef WAYCT - What Are You Cooking Today
Hey @twin - we'll save you a jar of the plum jam, it's very good!
Giles has been excelling himself in the kitchen recently, I try to help out a bit but usually just get left with the clearing up (wiping spots of jam off the unit doors and spots of curry off the work surfaces)
Hey @Madame Buttonfly I will save you one jar of Blueberry jam It's the best around.
Wanted to share a sauce recipe that we've come to call "crack sauce" because it is so delicious.
It's veganaise (or mayonnaise), dijon mustard, fresh dill, lemon juice, capers and caper pickling liquid, olive oil, and black pepper emulsified in a blender. I made this originally as a marinade and sauce for salmon, and then a binder for a salmon salad made of leftovers, but it makes a great dressing for salmon salad as well as for steak salad, or just a sauce to throw on your steaks, asparagus, or whatever else.
Holy crap, that chorizo, garbanzo, and peppers dish looks amazing.
^ getting hungry
So does the fucking tortilla!..
Holy crap, that chorizo, garbanzo, and peppers dish looks amazing.
Thanks fellas. I was very pleased with them both.
The chorizo thing is super easy. It works because the sausage is so damn tasty that it creates its own sauce. I chose a chorizo that was heavy on the cayenne pepper for that reason. The original recipe called coriander but I subbed it out for parsley. I love coriander but it pretty omnipresent in recipes these days and the taste can dominate. The parsley worked really well.
The tortilla was easy too but time consuming. I made a fresh tomato dressing to go on top which was ace.
@Giles , is that a practice run for next Saturday?
"Teppanyaki" at home! Tried to go paleo with it as possible. Friend-grown zucchini, bell pepper, carrot, white onion, quinoa fried "rice," and the only appearance of soy was in the Makoto ginger dressing (a.k.a. "crack") I used as a dip for the sirloin. Didn't have quite enough bandwidth in the kitchen to cook the steak on the "hot plate" (sort of a wok-like bowl), hence the grill marks, and opted to sautee the veggies in a tamari-based yakiniku sauce I made.
Team Taiwan ( @Kurt-faith and the ridiculously pretty Faith ) cooked for @Madame Buttonfly and me tonight…..
Great looking crew! Should not have cut yourselves out, Team Padmore, but then again I guess it would take a drone not to.
I've a Pro Tip[TM] that I've been using for reheating leftover pizza (sue me, I'm a fat American): do it in a hot cast iron skillet with a lid. The crust will be crispy and the toppings will get steamed. It turns out to be better than the first time around in most cases.