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Actual picture of my shirt in transit
I know that shipping paranoia well. I’m glad it all is working out. And you have some peace of mind.
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A ten day shipping black hole between the US and Europe has been pretty common for me.
I'm glad your shirt has reappeared, by the way.
I know I'm probably being lazy but: isn't there a normal weight (aka 14oz) loomstate denim currently in the making?!
How many different stamps does IH use on their brown bags?
I know you guys are metal heads so i'm wondering if you could chime in and give me some sense of the quality of the t-shirts from Earache Records. I was thinking of nabbing the Entombed Trust tee and maybe the Earache logo tee. The Earache site doesn't give any product details such as the type of shirt used or if their stuff is screenprinted. I'm assuming they're screenprinted but I have no clue which blanks they use for all their stuff. Any ideas? Been eyeing a bunch of other metal shirts from indiemerch.com but I don't wear graphic tees much these days, although, i'm lusting after the King Diamond Fatal Portrait tee
I own some Vektor and Napalm Death Shirts from earache. Their printed on Gildan Heavy Cotton (at least not softstyle, but also not premium or Ultra Cotton). But I must say, the print on all of them is outstanding and among the best I've seen. Super thick screenprint that doesn't crack or wear thin easily. If this applies to their other (coloured) stuff (my Shirts are all black and White) as well - go for it! And you can't go wrong with the King, of course.
Thanks, that helps. I'm conflicted. I like the Entombed Trust tee but think it should actually say, "You Can Only Trust Yourself and the First Two Entombed Albums." I think Left Hand Path and Clandestine put them on the map and when Wolverine Blues rolled around they were obviously lured into the mainstream and changed their sound.
@gaseousclay I would have adviced to look for fullmoonshops Left Hand Patch Longsleeve but I missed the Preorder myself and now they're gone (unless you're an S : https://fullmoonshop.bigcartel.com/product/pre-order-entombed-left-hand-path-longsleeve)
Instead I might get the Kings of Metal LS