Random Announcements
Interesting stuff from Harley-Davidson, lol!
That thing is hideous
That actually looks great to me! I used to love my little 49cc Honda scooter back when I lived in Japan. So much so that I got some snow tires for it and used it for commuting all year long. This thing looks like it'd feel fairly similar, but with probably more stability and a whoooole lot more oomph. So I'd better not get one.
Edit: It actually looks like someone crossed my old Ellsworth Dare downhill MTB with my old Honda scooter. Which is probably why I like it so much
Here's a pic of my old Ellsworth. That thing was a freakin' hucking machine. Great for just pootling around and finding stuff to throw yourself off. Now I am old and don't throw myself off things anywhere near as often. Or at all
@manufc10 by all means feel free to PM me what brand you're using, if you feel like it.
Sure man. I'll PM you info when I get a chance.
Interesting stuff from Harley-Davidson, lol!
I'd ride that to the local shop. The foot plates look like half a skateboard deck !
Living in Seattle with a fair number of bike commuters (myself included) it's only a matter of time before I see one of those on the trails.
I've been taking CBD oil twice daily for the past month.
@Filthy How many drops/ time and what % are you using?.. I'm going this route to help with muscle aches… Easy to order here from the Netherlands. It's not legal to prescribe it in Belgium, but legal to use it/ own it/ order it... But it's illegal to cross the border with it yourself... You figure it out... ::)
@Filthy What site do you get your CBD from?
I've been taking CBD oil twice daily for the past month.
@Filthy How many drops/ time and what % are you using?.. I'm going this route to help with muscle aches… Easy to order here from the Netherlands. It's not legal to prescribe it in Belgium, but legal to use it/ own it/ order it... But it's illegal to cross the border with it yourself... You figure it out... ::)
It is 500 mg strength and I do a full whole dropper in the AM and one 1-2 hours before bedtime.
Edit: sorry I only got this tag notification just now when I responded to the previous comment.
@Filthy What site do you get your CBD from?
the stuff I am using can't be bought from a site. My mom has been getting it for me from her chiropractor. It is called Results RNA.
Damn it I have been wanting to try the stuff for work related pain but i can't really find somewhere that i trust to order from
I have tried these but they get me high and i do not like the feeling.
There is a place in Massachusetts called Upstate Elevator Company that has THC free CBD that I had ordered from previously. I kind of thought that it didn't work as well as the stuff my mom gets me. But I know neither stuff gets me high. I mean not even a little.
Actually they do sell online. Forget what I said and check this out https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.resultsrna.com/pure-cbd-organic-hemp-seed-oil/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwicqovwgIrhAhWtuVkKHdmiDWMQFjAAegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw1rYMNdp_LNlayNkhWpizmL&cf=1
I used to love the weed high how things change lol. Thanks i will look into that.
Horseshit! "Sold in U.S Only"
Im going to talk to my dr about a medical card
I'm sorry
Not your fault man! Thanks for the link either way
Excited to finally have IH in my hometown. Salt Lake is growing up.
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Sorry I haven’t been around much, I know @Seul and @Chris have been lamenting my absence like the spineless lady men that they are, so here’s a brief summary of why….
Apparently Spidemans Uncle Ben was right, with great power comes great responsibility, so after being promoted last year I am now expected to do something called “work”, maybe some of you are familiar with it? I wasn’t , but now I have to be and I gotta tell you it is pretty time consuming.
For years “her indoors” has been
whiningencouraging me to sort out a house move, so now we are and again it’s time consuming and not fun at all. I advise everyone to continue living with their parents for as long as possible. -
I coach my boys football team, and we’re currently heading towards a Cup Final so the little
bastardsplayers want to actually train two or three times a week. As physical exercise disgusts me I am finding this difficult.
I can’t promise that i’ll be back regularly, but I will try to attend more often. Much love to all, and i’m always available via PM if anyone wants to trade insults or nudie pictures (not you @trail and arrow ).