Giles Kanreki Suprise
With all the details confirmed, the final price was calculated and @Madame Buttonfly handed over dosh that had been kindly sent to her, on behalf of all the wonderful people who contributed to this amazing gift.
Great Posts! Looking Forward to the result!
damn, the shoes look brilliant and well made!! nice looking boots. great photos! did goto-san account the last for the missing toe as well then? haha.
btw which tee is giles wearing?
Who wrote that article on personal grails? Looks like an interesting and informative web site
Thanks for sharing the experience guys
It is awesome that this could be experienced in such pure and genuine fashion. Really a timeless experience from the looks of it. Art in action.
What a great story. I'm looking forward to seeing these boots!
Excellent photos and run down of the time spent.
& a pair of these for @Madame Buttonfly please
There's still time for her to be the first woman to own a pair outside of Japan!
@Lindsey - yes indeed! And wide enough to cover my bunion
Wow, some beautiful boots just there ???