Random Announcements
That thing is nuts!
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Oh come on - that's nowhere near as bad as aforementioned cars…
You obviously never had a dad who picked you up from school in a brown Viva.
Did the Vauxhall Viva ever make it to the continent, or were we the only ones "blessed" with its presence?
A) Nope, that never came Stateside, it wasn't made in the last 10 years, so it wouldn't count even if it did.
Pay attention, you ginger twat.
Didn't realise we were having a contest you fake Texan bell end.
what's wrong with the juke? have you not seen the blistering Nismo version??? :o
Just played my first game of football for about ten years, am I meant to feel sick and hurt literally everywhere?
Winger, known for my blistering pace [emoji23]️
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One Tree Hill, South Australia: Small shark found in roadside puddle, police say…
We were supposed to have rain this week which was supposed to drop our temp. Hasnt rained a feckin drop….
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I'm sweating grabbing ice cubes for a drink in Pineville, NC.
Bought a DVD/ Blu-ray boxset for $150, sold for $1250… Not bad.