IH-715 - Swedish Serge Camp Shorts
It's okay. It goes to show that these would sell great if you were to make more.
Thanks anyways.
If anyone got the black 36s and isn't absolutely delighted with them and wants to do anything even trade for a grey black IHSH-127 UH flannel XXL, gently worn… please let me know.
I think he means there's no chance at all. That's what I got at least. I guess maybe you have to have seen Dumb and Dumber to get that meme.
In what pants / model has this fabric been used before?
whoops! edited
wouldn't that have been the fabric from the original ih-701's looks the same, and weight very similar.
bet the fabric from the ihsh-134 and ih-712 green and grey herringbone fabric would make pretty epic shorts
That 34 in olive is also tempting. I hope you bring them back in more iterations and fabrics.
In my haste to try and get a pair of these it didn't occur to me to look at the measurements. A 34 will fit me just fine, so I got the last pair.