Unpopular opinions
Just giving my opinion.
I'm not trying to argue or debate, I'm genuinely curious.
Then PM me and satisfy your curiosity
@Megatron1505 you're one of the best at this thread by far, time and time again.
Tattoos with a meaning or story sucks.
^completely true. just get something that looks good and is well done!
^completely true. just get something that looks good and is well done!
How about something that looks good is well done and has some meaning? Or perhaps just looking good and well done is meaning enough? [emoji57]
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A tattoo completely without meaning is like the equivalent of totally objective research; does not exist..
Yes any mark made consciously/purposely must bear some meaning…
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When I was 19 I got a Harley Davidson tattoo…..because I like Harley Davidson bikes (cool story bro
I agree with jcm since it seems like most people try to spin some life story they have into a tattoo. You might love your grandma who died as she was observing birds, her lifelong passion, but that doesn't mean you should get a tattoo of it… of course you can get a dope tattoo that has meaning, but I think it's more rare than choosing a tattoo for the sole reason that it's aesthetically pleasing.
Yeah for sure. I just mean trying to turn something "important enough for a tattoo" into something aesthetically pleasing. It's not always going to turn out good… People are just brainwashed into thinking tattoos need to have a really deep meaning so they go searching for one
Are grown-ups still having tattoos? I thought that was now solely the preserve of the under-14s!
Seconded. Among my friends and acquaintances, work colleagues and the like, that sense of regret of having been tattooed, particularly when it's been done excessively, seems to grow. Denim heads, bikers and the like seem to be fonder of tattooing, and perhaps late adapters of them becoming less popular.