IHTL-1508 - 3/4 Sleeve Loopwheel Baseball T-Shirts
I think it will look good even if slightly oversized. The Shirt itself is super nice so I couldn't resist.
They have sideseems right? Bring it to a tailor or DIY, slimming up a Tee is not that tricky.
Looks perfect!
Size M or L?
@Max Power i liked the L man
Large looks great IMO.
youre not making this easy haha
Great fit TrickHell, one of the best in the thread.
Yes, looks good but I think one size up would look better (length, tight sleeves).
the problem with this is, that the body (opening) is just way too wide/big in generell, compared to all the other measurements as shoulders, chest, sleeve length/width etc. …otherwise this thing would be a great addition to the collection. so imo, the cut of the body (the opening) isn't really flattering and destroys the whole fit/look...
I have to agree a bit - I felt like XL was perfect in all dimensions but the huge Body. And in L the Body is fine but the rest a bit small. I have arranged with it and really like the L now, but at least 1" more in the length would be great.