Random questions to which you seek an answer
The greatest Christmas movie ever is any Bond file starring Sean Connery or Roger Moore, which should be viewed directly after the Queens speech whilst drinking Baileys and eating almost stale mince pies, or a tin of Cadburys Roses chocolates…..you should also fall asleep approximately 20 minutes into it. God save the Queen.
(Also acceptable under the exact same circumstance is any of the original Star Wars movies, the first three Indiana Jones movies and Superman 1 or 2).
Simple pleasures …..
I like Christmas Vacation and Bad Santa more than either
Got to go with Bad Santa. Not a decent human being in there.
Exactly. Irredeemable people and one little innocent and pathetic kid.
It's there some part of the world in which DHL is not completely incompetent? For the life of me, I cannot understand how they continue to exist, when they make every package delivery a time wasting failure.
Does anybody know a nice and cheaper alternative to the Real Mc Coys sweatpants?
I dont know what the RMC pair cost, but the Left Field makes some that are nice. I think MadMonday has some too.
Extended homosexual metaphor?
Why are they making a Top Gun sequel?
Maybe recruiting is slow this year at the Navy.
From wikipedia:
"Movie producer John Davis claimed that Top Gun was a recruiting video for the Navy, that people saw the movie and said, "Wow! I want to be a pilot." After the film's release, the US Navy stated that the number of young men who joined wanting to be Naval Aviators went up by 500 percent" -