Recent Purchases
Where did you buy that book on the history of jeans, Landon?.. Looks interesting…
Can't wait for it to show up!
So is there any text or pics only?..
There is text as well. I will get some pictures up when it arrives…
Anyone want to buy me a couple of copies:
Amazon sells it here:
I'll credit against next purchase.
G, I can do that for you if you would like. How many copies do you want?
DONE! Shipping on August 11th…
Arrived yesterday:
^^Just curious… how much was that and how would i order one? I just have a regular Carabiner for my keys right now.
DUDE, are you drunk again?
^^Just curious… how much was that and how would i order one? I just have a regular Carabiner for my keys right now.
I've also got a key chain/lanyard/whatever coming.
Made by M L Brown Co. in collaboration with
Also IHB-02! In tan. oh yes.
Sorry, the URL was a page back i didn't look.
Nice Beats! Context?
I happend to pass through Northampton this week; the home of English shoes. I managed to squeeze in visits to: Trickers, John Lobb, Crockett & Jones and finished up at Churches, where I couldn't resist these RTW Chestnut Brogues ;D.
CIMG0679 by siami21, on Flickr