Unpopular opinions
Thx Gav for that. i grew up in places where it was 'normal' seeing junkies hitting their gear up everyday, even when you sat in the baths as a 12 year old we were always on the look out not getting stabbed by a needle or walk on an needle lying around, which might be infected. I wrote about it in another thread about Zürich platzspitz followed by letten. Being affected by a death in the closer Family circle due to the result of abusing H and people in my nearer circle of other hard stuff its certainly not victimless. Behind every Death or ones sufferings are people suffering too from it
Could of swore I just read about the Righteous Everly Brothers dissin Star Wars whilst pissing on the Beatles albums in the midst of being unsure of whether to mourn PSH because their brains were victims of a smack habit that seemed to cause controversy! Is was it all just here say and propaganda? I'll ask my denim.
Sorry to hear some of your backgrounds above.
Unpopular opinion: I like the majority of women drivers….....cause I've got all the feckin time in the world o'feckn course!
Honestly, on the drugs and celebrity deaths issues I am never going to agree with you Mclaine, and I'm guessing that is just down to our personal views on the issues. In the interests of forum status quo I'm backing out of this debate.
David, I'm sorry for your experiences and loss.
Yeah that's the last I was going to say about it anyway; sorry if I offended, I overreacted because addiction has taken a lot of people from me.
While I appreciate their place in history and their influence on bands that don't, the Ramones suuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Yeah that's the last I was going to say about it anyway; sorry if I offended, I overreacted because addiction has taken a lot of people from me.
I can sympathise here Mclain….experienced both drugs and the losses...lost a fair few friends to Heroin along the way. Often those who struggled to fit in or find their place in a society such as ours. Despite these painful losses, I seriously advocate the wholesale legalisation of drugs, a position supported by a number of drug charities in the UK. An opinion infamously espoused by Judge Pickles here in England during the 90s. An unpopular opinion but hey, that's the name of the game here right? Recall a Guardian series of reports about Heroin...dispelled a great many myths. For example, 100% pure smack is no more or less harmful than sugar for the human organism.
I kind of like it when there's a new post in the Villains thread.
haha, thanks!
Denim and workwear is becoming too much like couture fashion. Some of the things I see people lauding these days make me both depressed and confused. Basically dudes wearing a costume.
At least a brand like RRL admits that they are fashion focused, some other brands I see out there (and the folks wearing it) look down on that whilst doing exactly the same thing.
(Not referring to IH at all here btw)
Fair play G, maybe it's just a symptom of my exposure to it these days. What we see and read on the internet fill the empty spaces of our minds….. Of which I have many.
For example, 100% pure smack is no more or less harmful than sugar for the human organism.
Sorry to pull you up, but that's blatantly wrong, and that sort of careless paraphrasing based on one-eyed reporting has the potential to do a lot of harm. Sugar doesn't often depress your central nervous system to the point you stop breathing, nor does it cause psychotic episodes or lead people to pick holes in their skin. Sure it causes it's own set of problems, but it ain't no opiate.