Random Rants
Paleo lifestyle since 2011. Has made me (fairly healthly previously) better and my aging parents have experienced great benefit from it. Has helped a friend of mine with Crohn's out a lot too.
Food should only benefit you!
Rafa, if you ever experience issues with your stomach, digestion, or nerve problems, then giving this a go can only help.
Snow! In April?
Not cool. -
- except in Japan, where I have no idea how to say "is that gluten free?".
As someone who has great troubles with gluten (been hospitalised for it twice), I had no problems in Japan. I've been eating GF for around 4-5 years for the most part. I very occasionally (once a month?) eat a small slice of bread at social functions and feel it like shit. I feel/know what's right for me to eat instinctually now. If you keep it up your body will become attuned to what works for it. You can already tell your sensitivities, when you stay clear for a longer time, even a small hit sends of large alarm bells.
If you have been vegetarian/vegan for a long period of time and throw a steak in your body it is going to have problems digesting it because it has become accustomed to not having to digest such dense protein. Snowy, how do you do with poultry and fish ?
I am newly addicted to chocolate covered very cherry jelly bellys. I hope to not out grow all my IH clothes do to this
Proud of you Gav!!!
Thanks man, I found it hard going at first but I am coasting now.
My favorite jelly bellies flavors are juicy pear and margarita. So intensely good.
margarita huh? man I have never ran in to that flavor of Jelly belly but I am definetly not opposed to purchasing when I do
If you have been vegetarian/vegan for a long period of time and throw a steak in your body it is going to have problems digesting it because it has become accustomed to not having to digest such dense protein. Snowy, how do you do with poultry and fish ?
These days rubbish, I've never really liked chicken, fish I quite enjoy Unagi
A package shipped on March 5…
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April 15, 2013, 10:44 am
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March 05, 2013, 10:20 am
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March 05, 2013, 7:42 am
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March 05, 2013, 7:42 am
This happened to two packages… I shipped about 20 packages that week and they all arrived quickly... So weird... I hope content is safe...
15/04/2013 10:41 Departure from office of exchange INTERNATIONAL POST
05/03/2013 10:19 Departure from office of exchange INTERNATIONAL POST
05/03/2013 08:20 Item information registered manually LCI
04/03/2013 22:32 Your item has been sorted Antwerpen X Parcel Sorter -
I'm running the HWDC, and thanks to the Whole 30 diet my fucking competition jeans don't fit me any more