Random questions to which you seek an answer
Word is that the Common Projects collab is going to be 21oz. Fingers crossed they go into regular production…
Well, the next new run will be a 14.5oz left Hand Twill, I will get a photo of that denim up here when I get back from NYC….
Once that is up and selling, I may do a 21oz white/black selvage version, but I may reserve what i have of that denim (not a massive amount), for a different cut...
It's a long shot, but does anyone have any extra tickets to Phish from Dec 28-31, 2012? I'll take anything. If anyone can hook up tickets, I've got cash for that too.
Wow, ur up?
My "make fun of someone" spider sense was going off. Also, I'm in a van on my way to New Jersey.
Lucky bastard.
Duck cargos! Holy cow!
Both colors are great, decisions, decisions… :-\
Three, English, Belgian and Eejit