Care For Your (Denim/ Wool/ Cotton)
LOL on the skin lotion. I hardly ever use any. But I suspect most male jeans fanatics don't, either. In addition, we guys usually have hairy legs. So that increases the friction and thus the skin rub off.
On my "normal" blue jeans I usually wash them every 7-10 wears. Just going slower on the IH.
The thing with the Superblacks is that in principle I want them to stay nice and dark. That is not a big challenge because if ever they turn grey-ish I can simply dye them black. Not much to do wrong there. Or I could experiment a little and do a dark indigo overdye on a Superblack.
I actually really like grey denim. I just bought a pair of light grey 501s. Very cool pants. But my Superblacks should stay black.
I like the friction marks on my IHxSE07Bks but not on the knees… Anything I can about that?.. Perhaps a dye of some kind?.. It's mainly my right knee as I rest on it a lot during work... I wash that area from time to time with a wwet washing cloth to get the dirt off, but of course I wear out the colour even more by doing so...
When you do as much physical shit as me - yes. Plus, I am often kneeling in serious dirt, so apart from stopping me busting through the knee, it helps no engrain the knees with stuff that is almost impossible to get out. That said, I only do it in the privacy of my own home
I'm totally with you Giles. Wearing knee pads when you do a lot of physical work on your knees is just as smart as wearing a seat belt when you drive a car or a helmet when you ride a motorcycle. You can concentrate better on the task at hand because it's more comfortable. You reduce the pain and the risk of injury and lastly you prolong the life of your jeans. A man's gotta know when to be smart and when to be handsome.
xpost - grooming thread got carried away. For those who are interested in hand washing your jeans
Using Dr. Bronners bar soap.
Soak while wearing, apply while wearing ..rinse while wearing
take off and rinse in soapy water plus repeat cleaning dirty parts again (cuffs, pocket openings)
rinse again, thouroughly, hangdry
she meant when you clean them. lol. soak for 30 min cold if too tight, but i say soak hot->warm for the 45-1hr and then feel the pain of the stretch! it hurts SOOO GOOD!
Yes, use either cedar blocks (or actually use shelves made of cedar wood) or use the aleppo soap. Naphta balls are killer. My gf's closet is a gas chamber. Nothing would survive in there. I took 80% of what she put in there out and sealed it in ziploc bags and it still reeks. There are perfumed mothballs that are supposed to be not that bad but I haven't tried those yet. One of the main things is to wash your stuff regularly. When you start accumulating pullovers it is well possible that you don't wear one for more than a year. In that case you should still wash it.
Moths don't eat cotton. They prefer the protein (keratin) in animal fibers. Silverfish like starch and will therefore eat cotton. Also, the larvae of some beetles also like cotton.
Moths don't eat cotton. They prefer the protein (keratin) in animal fibers. Silverfish like starch and will therefore eat cotton. Also, the larvae of some beetles also like cotton.
That's interesting. I wonder what it was that put holes in my t-shirts then? I know for sure I have no silverfish in my room. Beetle larvae perhaps? Which kind to look for? Anyway, that's interesting and might explain why they like cashmere.
Beatle, it smells delicious. Very fresh and manly. Not much of the smell stays on the skin, though, even if the soap smells quite strongly.
Stewart, apparently the higher the laurel oil content the better. The one I got here has 30%. Normal is 15%; figures range from 5-40%. Hard to find in the US even online. I ran into mine in an old school German store. In England it should be possible. In Germany and France it should be rather easy to get. Prices I've seen are around 7-10$ for a 150-220 gram piece. The higher percentage laurel is allegedly very nice for shaving, too. I didn't try it yet. Currently working on perfecting the lather with my shave cream and new brush.
And, yes, there are liquid and flake versions. Good for washing.