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I would say that a "good fit" is subjective, and varies from person to person, jeans to jeans.
My Samurai's and my 634's fit me well, as in they fit my body as they are meant to, and in the right proportions.
My Busters I like to sag a little, as I think this is how they look and feel the best.
For examples of a bad fit, observe some of the "nut crushing" fits, which were popular on Superfuture a couple of years ago.
Define good fit on jeans….
Do you mean they look overall good, or that they actually fit well on some-one. (pls remember I'm not natve english speaker)
Both. If you're thin and wear jeans that are tremendously wide, even if they're nice jeans, not a good fit. If you're wearing jeans that are too tight, not a good fit. I think a lot of denim afficionados get hung up on the sizing down and stretching issue. If the button holes are straining, that doesn't look good to me either. Stretch marks are not good either. I think a pair looks best when it fits just right when they're new and slightly stretched after a few wears. If you're having so much trouble putting on a pair of jeans when they're new that you need assistance, not good. The denim leggings look makes me laugh when I see it on the street
A pair of jeans only looks as good as the fit on the owner.
Just my two cents
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Hey probably so easy to figure out but I am having issues figuring out where on SUFU I can find items for sale. Everytime i try it says my key words are under 4 characters..What am I doing wrong? My words are def over 4 and i am typing obvious names like Redwing iron ranger or Iron Heart 301s. I would ask over there but not really into chatting over there with 8 year kids
Anyone with a folding calf wallet-which way do you put it in your pocket, the part that opens up facing up or down? I have it facing up but for some reason as I sit down it kind of shifts the two sides so they're not aligned when I take it out, very frustrating! Anyone have the same problem?
I know how to get there..Its the search i am having issues with..It says: one or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.
Ehh doesnt matter I'll just buy new fek it
I'm assuming you're trying to search for red wings. Put two word searches in quotes. It might help.
"red wings"
Finn, guess what….already did that a same time I posted my first question....have to try again
pm me your pm you´ve sent to demonito and i´ll pm him on FB buddy!…
Trying to figure out what my next pair of IH jeans should be. I am crazy about indigo but seems rather stupid to have two pairs of 634s's in rotation at the same time.. Even though I'm not a super big fan of black jeans I'm considering getting either the 634S-B's or the 9634z's.
I'm not crazy about the zipper on the 9634s but it's not a dealbreaker. I'd love to hear other pros and cons on the two. I've seen Max Powers awesome fades on the SB:s, but since I'm ready to go black I might as well go for the superblacks. No fade at all on them, am I right? I really could swing both ways, so please contribute any info/opinion on these if you feel like it.
Depending on your size and the fit you want, I have a pair of w33 9301 for sale… (button fly by the way).