Random Announcements
I am also proud, even though my cog is smaller still…..........I said cog ok?
LOL, proud of everyone who’s made this happen - no matter what the cog size
or a bunch :-\
Seriously, can someone explain any of this to me ???
Nope sorry seems to have drifted off into something deeply weird.
I got sent a tracking number for my Self Edge order the other day… Whereas, on the site it states that International orders don't get a tracking number.
Might be the customs form number. USPS will track it to the recipient's country, but not all the way to delivery. Not sure about that, though.
I'll find out in a few days… Would be handy to know when it's in the U.K though, so's I can be in for the delivery.
It will tell you when it hits customs, and when it clears customs.
SE sends priority mail intl which you can track all the way untill delivery (CJxxxxxxxxxUS) …
I was sure that I read that tracking wasn't provided, which seemed strange. Just rechecked the site and I can't see the info anywhere… Never mind.
On another topic entirely: Chris's mention of Wabash on EBay lead me to John Lofgren and this label on a Wabash shirt:
Which reminded me of the new Triple Works label:
And from there to the United Garment Workers of America union.
I am constantly in awe of the level of detail, care and love for history of work wear that goes into these products.
Sorry for the ramble… I've been drinking...
"Guaranteed exploitation free" I like that …