Iron Heart WAYWT - 2021 Edition
Nice one @Southseadenim …this one deserves a xpost in the Pets thread!
Haha my other dogs might get jealous!
@Southseadenim the dog’s expression is the best thing I saw today. If I may personify, he’s like, “so is this our thing now? Really, human? This is what we’re doing?!? Thumbs! And this?!?
That's Honey for you… She's always asking "why aren't you feeding me?"
That chore coat is crazy cool @henry_david, did you thrift it like the Montgomery ward coat?
216 Black Moleskin
IH No Lot
New Balance
@twin – Looking sharp today!
@jordanscollected – Yeah, snagged this guy on eBay for $33 last month
Digging the layered look with the 216 man! How's the fading on the No Lots? Kinda stubborn?
I'm a shitty case study on OD fades @henry_david. I wear these 3-4 days a week in rotation with the Loombreakers, but since I wear them to the office I don't wear them to the farm. The only fade award I'll ever win is if my barber is having a good day.
Love that 254 @vaquero357. What kitchen are you in?
Shit I missed TWO posts of epic fits by @Appfaff?!
That work fit from yesterday is super cool man. The mild taper vibe makes you look even more put together. Today's eyebrow raise kinda takes it off the charts tho
@Brock – I'm about to join the bandana boi club (have a lil Kapital bandana winging it's way to me rn). Cool cap today dude!
@Jordan23 – Sick SC vest dude!
Shit photo here with some detail shots (x-post)
Real McCoy's beanie | Real McCoy's Crew | IHB-08 | IH-634-XHS | Docs