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Community college is a great alternative for those that either didnt have great grades in hs and those who dont know what they want to study as a major. you save A TON of money. think of cc as a fund for denim, and as you pay for your own classes and books and such, you have a better appreciation for what it is going to take to get ready for transfer.
btw, what are you interested in studying and where were you hoping to transfer to?
The problem with the community college -> university route is that often many of your credits don't transfer. This is especially true if you study an applied subject at the community college. It's often the case that you have to study 3 years at a university after 2 years at a community college. Also, it's harder to transfer to a competitive university than to be accepted as an incoming student since the relatively few transfer opening.
A story of success with this route: A colleague of mine started at an university in Florida, transferred to a community college in California where he obtained a 4.0 GPA, applied to Berkeley with the intent to study philosophy (the easiest way to be accepted), and switched to studying physics after he was in.
Really? Damn. Maybe I'm missing something then. Cal is 9k a year, excluding room, board, food, etc. But if you live close enough to ur college of choice it should not be much more than that. And 9k is very do-able. Student loans is the best type of debt to have because, if you have the option, there are 0% interest loans that you can pay off over X years and you never really have to worry about that changing. Add work study to that and perhaps a weekend side job, and college payments aren't that scary anymore. Anyways simon, best of luck with transfering bro.
Dr. Pat- numbers show that CC transfer is easier for the student to get in (with 4.0) then if its a hs entry. And yes, social sciences are the easiest way to transfer into Berkeley. Trust me, I've done the research with plenty of counselors
If you can swing a flagship state university (such as Cal, UCLA, UC-Davis) – it's well worth it. People who attend UCs are generally smarter, so higher grades mean more. No doubt, a credential from a highly ranked school helps you get jobs and carries much weight. Truth is, OK...this is really bitchy -- but when someone appears kinda incompetent or dumb at work, I often discover later on that they did not graduate from a good University...not always, but too often to not sit up and take notice. For instance, high-tech wise, a Computer Science/Electrical Engineering program at Cal State Hayward most definitely ain't in the same league as Cal or UCLA, but it doesn't even hold a candle to UC-Davis or UC-Merced. Students at the UCs are higher caliber, so it's tougher to pass/get decent grades -- the bar is higher. My undergraduate grades at Texas A&M University, College Station (Electrical Engineering) were at best average -- why ? Because the people I schooled with were among the best and the brightest students in the nation.
That said, RE: Simon-LA…in your case, if Accounting is your desired major -- I think you'll be OK not going to a UC or another high caliber U. Why ? Because of the added cred you get with a CPA. A CPA is a CPA is a CPA...and it's hard as holy fuck to get. So, if you go to Timbuk2 College and follow up with a CPA -- people ain't gonna give a shit where you got your undergraduate Accounting degree. My cousin went to an OK undergraduate state school (Michigan State) -- not awful but not prestigious. The University of Mich at Ann Arbor is definitely a premier school but my cousin could not gain admission into UMich. So, he went to Michigan State and immediately followed up with a CPA...he studied his ass off for the CPA while working a full-time job. It shouldn't surprise you to learn that my cousin now is doing fabulously in his career -- travels the world as an auditor (he's in Namibia, Africa at the moment), earns a fantastic salary with great benefits -- and he's not yet 30 years old. Trust me, my cuz can afford to buy all the Iron Heart his heart desires -- but (perhaps fortunately), he's not at all into fashion or clothes -- that mofo saves his cash, puts me to shame actually.
Thought this might amuse: http://www.worldsuperheroregistry.com/world_superhero_registry_gallery.htm
I wonder if they ever get together on the weekend and LARP (Live Action Role Play) like those dungeon and dragon guys. I just watched this documentary on those guys and wow… is all I can say. It's called "Monster Camp" it's on netflix instant if you're interested, it's pretty damn funny.
I am heading out to NJ in an hour or two so that Vinneus can cut my mop off… Goodbye Hair! I hope that you will serve someone else as well as you have served me!
Please don't get the NJ special
I'm originally from NJ by the way.
its guido related…
Let's just hope it does not turn out that way! But I have full faith in Vinneus' skills!