Random Announcements
I'm soon to be 46 years old. I'm one of the geriatrics of this forum. I can tell you what I've learned in life : Live in the moment, as much as you can – without being self-destructive. It's a constant struggle, a tightrope walk to do that, but it's the key to happiness. Another key to happiness : LOVE YOURSELF. Love and Accept yourself, and stop worrying about what the world may think of you -- Live authentically. Just my .$02.
Love and Accept yourself, and stop worrying about what the world may think of you – Live authentically.
Dead on!!!
amen sister, I like your take on life.
It's not always easy Dchill, but I practice what I preach. When I was in my 20s, yes even my 30s…I was not as happy as I am now. Trust me on that. Life teaches you hard lessons...and while I'm still learning them, I feel that I'm all for the wiser now.
If this were a bestiality forum, then yeah…there are huge incentives to keep yourself hidden and discreet. shubharamani
u are the life of the party, hope your presentation goes well & you aren't taken away from us for too long getting ready for it
If this were a bestiality forum, then yeah…there are huge incentives to keep yourself hidden and discreet. shubharamani
u are the life of the party, hope your presentation goes well & you aren't taken away from us for too long getting ready for it
Thanks Monday. I'm totally prepared now for the presentation. I have to practice a couple more times, but I'm no longer worried. PS. I can totally see that quote being used in someone's sig now (just like Till uses my "I don't sweat profusely, but…"). It's all good !
i wanted to say howdy ho! to Simon from da 626 as i see he has recently created an account of Sufu. haha, i love how he posted a for sale item in the superdenim thread! hahahahaha
that made me lol. Keep on posting man!
I gotta say Shubs, you hit the nail on the head.
Like you, I too will be 46 soon and if there's one thing I've learned in my 45 years on this rock is to not worry about what people think and do your own thing.
I used to spend too much time worrying like fuck about what other people thought, but bollocks to them now !
Be yourself, it's important.
Simon -
It's been said before but it's so bloody true, age is a state of mind.
I still feel the same way I did in 1984, it's only when I look in mirror I get a bloody shock.
Simon -
It's been said before but it's so bloody true, age is a state of mind.
I still feel the same way I did in 1984, it's only when I look in mirror I get a bloody shock.
SimonLOL ! Me too TripleSimon ! You gotta be comfortable with the age-ing process. That's why I REFUSE to dye my hair. I don't mind looking 46 – it's normal ! One of the things I like about Oakland vs. San Francisco is that Oakland is much more "granola". I fit in better.
the above posted means that shubbz is Hyphy! ??? lol. just playing, but i feel you on that shubbz. lets say i start going bald soon, not likely, but if i did, i would just shave it. pull a Bruce Willis. and i agree with beats, i like your short hair a LOT! i wish i could do short hair, alas, it makes me look funny. lol.
My bro's been looking for a suede jacket à la Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction. If I had some money left I'd buy him this'un:
the above posted means that shubbz is Hyphy! ??? lol. just playing, but i feel you on that shubbz. lets say i start going bald soon, not likely, but if i did, i would just shave it. pull a Bruce Willis. and i agree with beats, i like your short hair a LOT! i wish i could do short hair, alas, it makes me look funny. lol.
Yeah, I've been called a "Hyphy" before. No problem ! Don't worry everyone ! My skinhead look will quickly evolve into gray hair again. In two weeks, I'll be back to normal (short gray hair on the head). It's a bit extreme to just shave my shit completely off but I do it actually because it keeps my hair low maintenance. I'm good for 2 months when I do that. Basically, I get shaved 6 times a year, which is low-maintenance. Look, between pedicures, hair, yoga, IH forum, family, friends, work, the dog, and facial waxes – I'm a busy bee !
It is 9:43 am my time