Iron Heart WAYWT - 2020 Edition
That GA wallet chain is mind-blowing. Josh had some limited edition Christmas packs of a GA wallet, chain, clip, and Shazam for ~3k and just for a second I was tempted before I took it out of my cart. Maybe someday!
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IH hoodie
777s-21 -
@sabergirl @RoxRocks86 So Much Beauty!
That GA wallet chain is mind-blowing. Josh had some limited edition Christmas packs of a GA wallet, chain, clip, and Shazam for ~3k and just for a second I was tempted before I took it out of my cart. Maybe someday!
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The green wallet on their instagram? Yeah that‘s amazing… my kit:
William Gibson x Buzz Rickson MA-1 - Long / IHTB-06 / Nudie / Viberg
IH hunting vest, TFH tee, IH 555 N, Viberg
high praise indeed coming from you @neph93, undisputed vest King! I love it very much. Mrs T appreciates it when I wear it over a tee, but I wore it over my IHSH 33 once, and she really didn't dig it!
OD Lefty (tour jacket) | TFH | IH-801 | 70s
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IH over dye Type I
White SD61F Pennsylvania-in January- ??? ::)
@steelworker that OD type I is so sweet, looks great. It concerns me that we are having a mild winter in most parts of the UK too. Plants and birds don't know what's going on, budding and nesting already.
IH over dye Type I
White SDLooking good Ed.
I have that IHTP-4 from about five and a half years ago and still love the colour and cut.
Buzz Dickson
Moonstars -
Jules; IH-526Jod / Samurai / Louis Vuitton
@den1mhead quite the 2020 Milk Tray man
looks great
A classic @neph93 bog shot.. Real McCoy's watch cap, Real McCoy's 1st Model M65 IH 33 IH 555 SBG Red Wing
William Gibson x Buzz Rickson MA-1 - Long / IHTB-06 / Nudie / Viberg
Hey Barcley, love that jacket! What size did you go with? I'm a huge fan of Gibson's Pattern Recognition book, I've always wanted to pick up that Jacket.