In Fitness and in Health
This thread is to discuss fitness and health-motivated pursuits by Iron Heart Forum Members, to include discussions related to exercise, healthy diets, and general healthful living. Given that we spend shitloads of money on clothes, I'm hoping that most of us engage in some sort of regular exercise and diet routine to avoid gaining weight…lest all that money we just spent go down the drain. Weight gain aside, however, regular exercise just makes a person feel great -- and that's the most important thing. As they say, "Health is the greatest wealth".
Let me start. Well, I'm an extremely fit and healthy person – I don't smoke (cigarettes, weed, cigars, whatever), nor does alcohol ever graze my lips. I've not sipped so much as a glass of wine in 27 years. I'm a teetotaler.
Does this mean I'm boring as shit ? Of course not, though Adam Ant's song from 1982 "Goody Two Shoes" claims otherwise.
My diet ? Well, I don't suffer for food. I pretty much eat what I want, but with moderation. I do have to watch what I eat, however...because I can gain weight easily. Most nights, it's a bowl of raisin bran for dinner. I am not a vegetarian, though I've tried it in the past. I find that veggie food just doesn't fill me up, and I end up eating junk food as a I need lotsa meat (all kinds, beef, chicken, pork) daily.
As for exercise, I do a lot of walking and hiking -- and I have a daily 1hr 15 minutes morning yoga routine, the final segment of which involves standing on my head for around 5 minutes. My yoga is not "gentle"'s pretty hard-core, rigorous and athletic.
I am 47 years old and my latest health check revealed that I'm in perfect health. So far, I'm not on any prescription meds. High blood pressure does run in my family and I'm a bit borderline, but my healthful living keeps it within healthy limits.
The main reason I exercise so intensely is because, well...I'm certain that I'd feel like shit if I didn't. I'm accustomed to a high dose of endorphins running through me and I hope I never find out what it feels like to lose them.
When Haraki releases a super duper limited run only available in sizes up to xl ;).
I need to go down another ~10 lbs to really be at where I want to be. I don't have the will power to do it though :-
to everyone: what motivates you to go that extra mile/foot?
Hey kit, what motivates me are the sizeable mental benefits i get from rigorous daily exercise. Yoga makes me sweat intensely; yea…and it definitely keeps me healthy and trim. But the increased ability to focus, clarity of thought and sustained general well-being are why i never, ever lax.
Yoga is not for everyone though. Pick an exercise programme you enjoy enough to stick with.
Word of advice: i never worry about my weight and you should not either. Just perform an hour of vigorous exercise 5 days a week and your body will tell you what to eat and when.
What matters is not your weight. Rather; what's your body fat percentage ? How do you look ? How do you feel ! Skinny people are not necessarily fit and thick people can actually be very fit. I fluctuate a lot in weight myself...from 115 lbs to early 120s. I tend to collect fat around my belly, but everywhere else i am fairly lean and toned.
But to answer your question, when your motivation comes from wanting consistent good mental stamina and health rather than vanity, you do tend to stick with it.
Hope that helps. Shubha
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i smoke weed almost everyday so exercising is defo not a regular thing for me. i've been smoking about 7 years now (almost 1/3 of my life >:() so i'm over the "munchie" phase and don't really pig out unless i'm simultaneously drunk.
anyways i stay fit by singing, dancing, and doing yoga.
i can easily get a good sweat after singing more than 30minutes. the key is to sing with ALL your soul! let out that passion!
dancing also gets me working, and gives my voice a break, while still keeping me in the groove.
yoga i usually do in the morning to wake up for work, but you can pretty much do most asanas or mudras at any time. it's unbelievable the benefits it has on your mind, body and soul. cliche but it's true!i also usually only eat 6 days a week, meaning i'll fast for 1 day. it's not a rule i stick to and the day of the week varies, but just a habit i picked up this past year. i don't mind it
Interesting what you say about being over the munchies, I've recently given up smoking weed myself after 28 years of not going more than 48 hours without it I now seem to be putting on weight. Something that I just didn't expect especially as I still smoke tobacco
unfortunately. I'd like to say I feel better for stopping but in reality I don't yet but sure I will. Then I'll attempt the tobacco quit, something that I think/know will be much harder.
Fob and D97, thanks for sharing ! I can imagine that singing and dancing one`s heart out would burn tons of calories. I love to dance myself and i agree that it can work up a huge sweat.
Interesting that so many people in the Japanese denim community are dependent on cancer sticks and on weed. I'm not here to judge. I know that life and stress can be unbearable at times, and we do what we can to cope. I bite the fuck out of my nails for instance, and at age 47, i find it impossible to stop. So, i can relate to compulsion – though my bad habit is mostly harmless.
But I've witnessed near and dear people overcoming addiction by becoming exercise fanatics. And once they arrived at the stage of freedom from addiction, their lives improved considerably.
I also recognise that pot has medicinal value -- and that in the US, where few people have health benefits, pot is the only affordable alternative.
I hail from Oakland, remember- where medicinal pot dispensaries are everywhere !!
While hardcore, daily fitness is a lofty life commitment, i dare say that if you truly immerse yourself, you will lose your cravings for pot, cigs and hard liquor. The increased endorpins in your body will cause such a sustained level of well-being that you'll not miss the stuff.
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where`s alex btw.?
i always thought he was into fitness and all…so to share my story.
i was in to bodybuidling 1.5years ago. doing hardcore workout 3-4times a week, 1.5years long. did some cardio on the days i wasn
t at the gym (always directly outta bed, before class it was 30min. on the bike, then breakfast etc.) had a plan where i
ve listed everything (food,drinks,shakes etc.) so i always knew how many calories i was eating&drinking.
had meals every 2-3hours and on and on...lost 20lbs (11kg) in 3 i
m outta tha gym since 1.5years and i
m back to my old weight again "bummer" -
It's cool Finn. So you fell off the horse – get back on !!
While i was in grad school, i also gave up exercise - i simply had no time. I got a little chunky (over a year and a half's time) but i simply didn't feel normal...i was not as happy during that period of time as is normal for me. Plus the stress and deadlines of grad school were awful.
After graduation however (may 2003), i have never slipped again. The only time i take a breather is when i'm traveling or on vacation, but even then i manage to fit a coupla yoga sessions in.
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oh lord. my wife just put me on a diet.
damn it man
oh lord. my wife just put me on a diet.
damn it man
You just tell her:
"Hey baby, when you got a tool this big, you need a shed to cover it"…