Mister Freedom
Because they are so long, and the patch is pre-oiled, I think you could hot wash + machine dry and be fine. It's worth a shot! I will say, I do like the way the legs drape with the cinch pulled in a bit - hope you like the way the fit turns out for you!
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Scored an Appaloosa 2015 HBT a while back. Beautiful shirt, but the cuff's are so damned tight I really struggle to snap them, (& I have wrists the size of a sparrow's kneecap). This will be getting turned into a short-sleeve for the summer. (Pic shamelessly lifted from the SE website).
had anyone tried out the new continental sport coat yet? Thinking the slate grey + Metisse chinos (or MN Topsiders) would be killer this summer, but wondering if people found them to fit "odd" with the 4 buttons… I have not worn anything other than a 2 button suit jacket for the past 15 years, so it's definitely "new" for me...
I believe with an iron and some startch, you could reshape the lapels and turn it into a more modern 3 or even 2 button appearance. I kinda dig the "mailman" vibe though - reminds me of a more toned down version of the MFSC original NOS "Sack Coats" they released a while back.
I dig that sack coat, @Bluegrass
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mechanic chambray w/ pique speedway
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Thanks @Bluegrass - during my wife's pregnancy with the twins I put on a fair bit of "sympathy weight" and shifted it to a new home… since I have slimmed down a bit, I was lucky enough that the recipient was willing it let it come home. I'm just happy that it fits again! It really is crazy how slim they are cut in the waist. That's the only thing keeping me from grabbing that last White Utility chambray in the MFSC store...
on a side note, how are you liking the MN Topsiders? Trying to figure out a good "denim" option for summer... fighting over the MN Topsider vs Nep Bosco vs Malibu Sea Denim vs. Mechanic Trousers... the speedway is my favorite cut, and super versatile for me, so I'l leaning towards the Malibus, but I think i'm not going to like the 13oz denim much in the summer, although the cut is great...
OMG, what a tough question… I have the MN (and Okinawa) Topsiders, Malibu denim (in sand) AND Mechanics trousers. But given your specific focus on a "summer option" I'd have to go with the MN Topsiders. If price is a factor, the Malibu denim is a steal. And I have to ask, did you consider the Lot 74 12.5 oz wheat denim at (can't recall if you already have those)? The Malibu denim is a unique, and very cool, cut - narrowest leg opening by far of any MF trousers - definitely a "Beach Boys" vibe.
P.S. @Graeme how are you liking the MN Topsiders?
I'm liking the MN Topsiders so far. They're comfortable in the summer, and the fact that they aren't a standard five pocket jean is appealing.
I haven't had any appreciable evo on them yet, despite wearing them for most of the last three to four months. I'm guessing that the softer, lighter fabric is less amenable to fading than the heavyweight IH options.
This is going to be a doozy!
http://www.christopheloiron.com/appaloosa-shirt-double-indigo-selvedge-twill-sportsman-catalog-spring-2016-made-in-usa/I'm with you! The only problem for me is that I already have a Rogue Territory ISC which is showing a lot of promise. I would hate to have two indigo shirts without wear on either [emoji1]
OMG, what a tough question… I have the MN (and Okinawa) Topsiders, Malibu denim (in sand) AND Mechanics trousers. But given your specific focus on a "summer option" I'd have to go with the MN Topsiders. If price is a factor, the Malibu denim is a steal. And I have to ask, did you consider the Lot 74 12.5 oz wheat denim at (can't recall if you already have those)? The Malibu denim is a unique, and very cool, cut - narrowest leg opening by far of any MF trousers - definitely a "Beach Boys" vibe.
P.S. @Graeme how are you liking the MN Topsiders?
Thanks for the input gents! I have 2 pairs of "wheat jeans" already (the speedway pique and a pair of selvedge JCrew that are very similar in fit to the lot 74), so I was looking more towards a "blue" option.
I love the cut of the speedway, which is what the Malibu are based on (although the Malibu are cut more slim), but the 13oz sea denim dosnt seem like a good warm/humid weather option. The 9.4oz MN twill topsiders seem the most practical, but I'm Worried that the "roomy" leg won't work with more "summery" footwear choices.
The Topsiders look much more slim
In you guys' fit pics ( BlueGrass and Graeme), so maybe if I size on the small side, the fit will be more tailored looking.Also… Not sure I can convince the misses that $400 jeans are a must for summer haha
Thanks again for your Input, as always!
thanks @Bluegrass - im really diggin the color on those!
Figured I'd post up some more pics of the Wheat Cowboy Jacket, since it looks like no one else is wearing one haha
It's crazy to see so much slub on a NOS come denim, but it's a very nice characteristic of the denim/jacket.
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