Which Cell Phone do you own?
iPhone 4 but will be grabbing up the 5 as soon as it drops.
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Well, their 3 day meltdown a couple of weeks ago has not helped their cause…..
Well, their 3 day meltdown a couple of weeks ago has not helped their cause…..
I just read a similar article online. Pity, I really enjoy my Blackberry. I hope Seul is right about the touch screen upgrades.
And Lando, do you know what the new specs are for the 5? I've heard too many rumors not enough confirmation
They communicated horribly throughout that Black-Out…
J-IV: I have the Storm2 which is a touch-screen model... Love it to bits...
orlylow: the Storm has a nice touchscreen, qwerty and multitap... It isn't discontinued either, I think, as Storm3 is coming out soon (might even be out already)...
I heard BB will be focusing on touch screen cells only from now on… Really hoping that's true...
That would be self destruct. Blackberry main success over the past years has been due to its Bold with its QWERTY keyboard. Can't imagine all the corporate employees using a touchscreen BB to sent out emails and stuff…
The whole Storm series failed miserably, got discontinued after a year or 2? Now its the Torch, overshadowed by the iPhone heavily... I for one, buy a BB for its keyboard. Would've long gotten an iPhone if I wanted a touchscreen phone imo...
Anyway, RIM is giving away up to 100usd worth of apps to compensate for their 3 day disruption in service.
Seul: How do you even type with the storm 2!! it's horrendous! whole storm series got discontinued at the start of the year...
I believe the whole Storm failure was due to its multi-tap… Way too annoying for most of the consumers I guess. Though I've met a couple of customers who like the multi-tap while promoting the Bold couple of weeks back...
As far as I know, all the touchscreen models do not come up the multi tap anymore. The newest touchscreen models are the torch 9810 and 9860.
Was a promoter for Blackberry for 3 weeks. Barely sold any Torch, mostly the new Bold 9900.
Droid Bionic running D3BLURR3D Rom.
My wife <3s Apple, So we fight a lot
My wife ditched her ancient & beloved Blackberry for an IPhone 4. It hasn't been a smooth transition for her. Basically, her assessment boils down to this- the IPhone does more than the Blackberry, but is less reliable, making it a wash.
I have an HTC Thunderbolt, which is pretty cool, aside from its abysmal battery life. Plus, having an Android based phone allows me to use Swype, which may be the coolest program ever. If you can, give it a try. I swear it will change your life.
My wife ditched her ancient & beloved Blackberry for an IPhone 4. It hasn't been a smooth transition for her. Basically, her assessment boils down to this- the IPhone does more than the Blackberry, but is less reliable, making it a wash.
I have an HTC Thunderbolt, which is pretty cool, aside from its abysmal battery life. Plus, having an Android based phone allows me to use Swype, which may be the coolest program ever. If you can, give it a try. I swear it will change your life.
Jody and I both have Blackberries for work and absolutely loathe them. They're practically "dumb phones" with too many buttons
Went from Android to iPhone for personal use. Android was great for a little while, but infrequent software/OS updates got me to hate it as well
iPhone 4
Service question for all you US iPhone users. What carrier and or plan are you using/ wish you were using?
OK, someone brighter than me.
How do I:
a) transfer my saved numbers from the phone to the sim on my HTC desire
b) Get them on my PC
c) Import them into my Iphone 4Doh….
Dude, sync with Outlook would be an option, then re-sync with iPhone. You can ignore the SIM element in this context.
However, did you not have gmail sync with the Desire for the time you were using it?
You presumably have the old, larger SIM still in the Desire but now not active because you told your carrier to turn this off when you went over to the new, smaller Iphone SIM?
Dont do anything until clear course of action is planned - SIM only contacts are a sphincter twitchy zone. Syncing with something is the best course of investigation.
BTW: You can buy a cheap SIM back up device, something like this:
For the first time in absolutely years, as it is approaching my contract renewal time there is not one single phone on the market tempting me
Might stick with what I have, take the most expensive upgrade I can get for free, sell it, and buy more IH