IHV-03 17oz Brown Duck Work Vest
Just realized that the brown duck has lately been refered to as 17oz, is it a completely new fabric?
Just realized that the brown duck has lately been refered to as 17oz, is it a completely new fabric?
It looks and feels the same to me…...But feck, what do I know...
OK I def want in on one of those..Ima start penny pinching. This vest is beautifully designed..Love the rivets and the pocket shapes
Hoping I will fit in these
Absolutely love this pic:
I am going to wear the shit outta this in every way possible.
Worrying if these would work with a shirt and tie…
Just do it in your style
I am sure this will look great with a nice pair of ih jeans, slim cut (maybe 666 or BB) a light blue shirt, a slim cut tie in black and some engineer boots..This is how I would wear it if tie is necessary :)…and if you are in war with the tie just take it off and you still looking good
seriously looking forward to these, and everything else that's going to arrive soon!
i think davito's proposed style sounds pretty good!
Davito u tried the new IH vest/waistcoats on? please enlighten us a bit more
yeah Sal as you know I live close to VMC and can handle all the stuff there, which they get from IH and other producers. so today I made a visit and wow….the vests have been there ;-). They are really beautiful, congrats to IH for running them, really nice cut and fit. I did not buy as I am overloaded with vests and clothes and everything so I passed on this one...maybe some day ;-)).
But I am sure all you buying guys will be highly satisfied with these babies...every Gentleman needs a vest, the ladies will love it and you