Random questions to which you seek an answer
I'm mostly thinking. Why?
Probably has something to do with her being French- a fact mentioned three times in a two paragraph article, so it must be important.
I want to know why a denim jacket with a faux vine took 800 hours.
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just ordered the 1080 in a 42.
think they will make my ass look fat?
how much will they shrink?
machine or hand wash?
how will they fade?
whats the best way to get snuff juice stains out?
can Iron Heart UK hem them?
…oh, and thanks for the richeous pic above @spitfiredealer!
I'm glad I didn't like any of it. I wouldn't think of buying 1 of anything. HaHa.
I'm mostly thinking. Why?
haha just looked at this article, I'll go you one better-wtf?
Should have just stopped reading at the fact she worked for Jeremy Scott
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whats the best way to get snuff juice stains out?
In 20 years I've yet to find a way to remove those stains that won't take color with it
just reminiscing, I've been nicotine free since November!
General fit question here for guys with a little bit of a beer gut: what's your comfort level with a little bit of pull on the buttons when you're sitting down? None? Some? "As long as you can't bust the button open with your stomach alone"? "As long as the fit when standing looks good"?
Is it grounds for divorce that my wife told our next door neighbor that I'd go with him to a Lynyrd Skynyrd and Peter Frampton concert tonight?
Is it an outside show? Icing on the cake!
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