IHSH-156 - Burgundy or Charcoal Ultra Heavy Plain Flannel Western
IHSH-156 - Burgundy or Charcoal Ultra Heavy Plain Flannel Western
The returns of the solids…..
As per the previous release, we weave the UHF fabric for these with a slightly different colour for the weft and the warp, this creates a fabric with great depth...
Aspero cotton warp and weft (but you knew that anyway....)
[emoji1312] Agreed!!
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Jesus… that burgundy is amazing...
Patiently waiting for the CPO version although I think the black snaps looks stellar on this version.
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wow. these look great. especially the burgundy.
For years I have been trying to push burgundy in the "What should we make" thread. These came out beautifully. Great job G and H. Please consider more burgundy items (IHT-1600, IHT-1610, IHTL-1501, IHSW-10 etc). I think even slightly darker would be awesome. With this burgundy 156 copped, I am officially done for the season. What an onslaught that was!
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My finger is itching to pull the trigger on the burgundy, but I want to see the CPO first to avoid buyer's remorse #firstworldproblems :-\
Agree with both of you guys. I kind of want to hold out and see what the CPOs look like measurement wise
Damnit, I'm broke as a joke right now. I knew this would happen. That burgundy will haunt me for the rest of my days.