Heavyweight Denim Championships 2013-2015 - Official Thread
Well done on the site Snowy. Pretty cool to be able to scroll down and see all the updates!
emceeQ: Fantastic evo!
Well done on the site Snowy. Pretty cool to be able to scroll down and see all the updates!
Thanks for the kind words, glad you enjoy. I'm hoping it continues to be used so we can see tones of different people's evolution on a single page :mind explode:
HC-IH-48 here, with a late first challenge entry, and an on time second challenge entry.
A trip to enjoy beer… er,um nature at the Nature Friends Tourist club on top of Mt. Tamalpais in Mill Valley: http://touristclubsf.org/about/Enjoying the 688 stairs that mark the beginning of the trail. 25 ounce denim in 85F weather was not fun…
A break near the top for some Tennessee hydration with friends.
Continuing on the trail.
Entering the closest thing to Valhalla I've ever experienced.
About to enjoy the fruits of labor.
Bonus shot with the camera girl and girlfriend of 10.5 years
I ran the Dipsea a few years back; those 688 steps get brutal quick. Looks like you had a great time, though.
Quick and dirty.
Love it. To hot for a tee shirt but 25oz denim is fine.
It's like 25C here at the moment and i gotta say i am sweating my nuts off in this 25oz denim. During the day i am mostly inside in air con so that's fine but been out for a few hours in the sun today and god dam!